MSD Animal Health

Digitizing the sales team.

At MSD Animal Health - the world's largest manufacturer of veterinary pharmaceuticals - different business units are responsible for products for different animal species. The respective sales teams have different target groups, from dogs and cat owners to farmers and veterinarians. In order to be able to present their products to their respective target groups, they depend on the latest sales and marketing content.

Our task was to develop a communication platform which enables the client to control, manage and distribute all digital content to their sales representatives, product managers and technical managers. They all should be able to access the most relevant and up-to-date content on their iPads no matter where they are and if they have connection to the internet or not.

This new communication platform should form the first step into the digital transformation of the sales teams in the DACH countries and replace bit by bit the unflexible and costly print productions of sales and marketing content.


MSD Library

Engemycin Spray Interactive

Zuprevo 4.0 Interactive

PorcilisPCV Interactive

Main Services

Digital Strategy

Digital Transformation Consulting

Technology Adivsory

Software Development

UX/UI Design

Sales Enablement

Sales Team Training

Sales Content Creation

Sales Content Management

Sales Content Delivery

MSD Library

Interactive content engages the customers and replaces costly print productions

First, we developed a content management system that manages all documents centrally and distributes them to groups or individual sales representativs at the click of a mouse.

In the second step, we developed a fully customized iPad app with different divisions and different product sections. Every business unit could access its own division, its own pool of products and manage its content by its own. The respective sales representatives only need to open up the MSD Library app on their iPads and find all the relevant sales content perfectly sorted.

To further manage the sales activities and organize the sales teams special sales-cycle specific sections were created. In these sections topseller products were gathered together, which needed more attention and had to be sold with a stronger focus.
A special reader was built into the app, which displays interactive and multimedia-enriched content and enables the development of interactive presentations.cWithin a few months, the MSD Library convinced the sales teams and the customers across the DACH countries. The switch from print to digital documents was complete. Budget savings from print productions could be used elsewhere. All employees can now find all the knowledge of MSD Animal Health products in their own MSD Library.

engemycin spray

Convincing clients with a finger touch.

Engemycin Spray is used in veterinary medicine to treat claw infections. When spraying the hooves, the most important thing is a clean spray result and speed. Animals do not like to stand still for a long time. We developed an interactive spray comparison between Engemycin and its competitors to demonstrate the extraordinary performance of Engemycin Spray.

The result: a perfect spray result and impressed buyers in only two seconds.

Caution! Freshly painted!
To demonstrate the spraying abilities of Engemycin Spray both, the client or the sales presentative can actually spray with their fingertip on the iPad. First they spray with the competing product and then with Engemycin Spray. The spray cone follows every movement of the finger. Simple, impressive and obvious.Das Ergebnis: Ein perfektes Sprühresultat und begeisterte Kunden in nur zwei Sekunden.

Achtung! Frisch gesprüht!
In der interaktiven Engemycin Spray iPad Produktpräsentation kann der Außendienstmitarbeiter oder auch der Kunde selbst sprühen. Einmal mit dem Konkurrenzprodukt und zum Vergleich mit Engemycin Spray. Der Sprühkegel folgt dabei jeder Bewegung des Fingers. Einfach, eindrucksvoll und einleuchtend.